biolegend 444107 mouse MIF elisa kit代理
biolegend 444107 mouse MIF elisa kit代理
Kit Contents |
biolegend 444107 mouse MIF elisa kit代理
Product Details |
Description: | Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), also known as glycosylation inhibiting factor (GIF), is a pituitary hormone and a macrophage- and T cell-derived cytokine that plays an important role in the endocrine and immune systems. MIF consists of 115 amino acids and has a molecular weight of 12.5 kD. Mouse MIF shares most of its identity with human (90%), rat (99%), and cattle (88%) MIFs, and a moderate percentage of its identity with MIFs from a wide variety of other species. It exists in monomeric, dimeric, and trimeric forms of identical protomers.
米兰·全站app登录app 作为biolegend代理,Biolegend公司的试剂主要包括细胞免疫、细胞因子、趋化因子、粘附分子等及与癌症研究、T 调节细胞研究、干细胞研究、先天免疫研究、细胞周期分析、凋亡研究及特定修饰类抗体等领域相关的试剂,用于流式、ELISA、免疫沉淀、WB、免疫荧光、免疫组化、及体内体外功能学试验。其中,Biolegend公司的流式抗体以其具有较宽范围的荧光选择及较高的性价比,为广大科研工作者所接受!同时,公司配备了一支经验丰富的技术服务队伍,为客户提供*的配色方案及快速的售后处理服务!